Development Center Courses

Within the framework of the courses organized by the University Development Center for the development of the education system and the development of the skills of the faculty members and the supporting body, the Center is in the process of holding training courses at the Quality Assurance Center (Development Center, Fourth Floor, Hall 406), noting that attendance will be from 9 am to the beginning of the workshop From 9:30 am.

Courses Names

Report of the decisions Day : Sunday 3/2/2019
Strategic Planning  Day: Tuesday 12/2/2019
Exam systems and evaluation of students  Day :Thursday 14/2/2019
Self Evaluation  Day : Saturday 16/2/2019
Preparation of the annual report of the institutions  Day: Saturday 23/2/2019
Quotation and organization of references   Day : Monday 25/2/2019







اليوم: الاحد



التخطيط الاستراتيجي

اليوم: الثلاثاء


نظم الامتحانات وتقويم الطلاب

اليوم: الخميس


التقويم الذاتى

اليوم: السبت


إعداد اتقرير السنوي للمؤسسات

اليوم: السبت


الاقتباس وتنظيم المراجع

اليوم: الاثنين
