Objectives of Quality Assurance Unit:
1. Spreading and achieving quality culture among employees and students through seminars, training courses and panel discussions.
2. Continuing work on developing the College's programs to meet the requirements of national and international standards to provide graduates capable of local and international competition.
3. Continuous evaluation of the scientific programs and their decisions in the college to achieve the strategic plan of the college.
4. The existence of a database for the college includes the various activities of the faculty members of the faculty members, administrators and the auxiliary body and students of the bachelor's and postgraduate studies, the characterization of programs and decisions.
5. The existence of a means of communication between the college administration and graduates of the college and the various beneficiaries of the external community.
6. Continuous development of the Unit's performance through the exchange of experiences and ideas between the Board of the Unit and various local and international bodies working in the field of quality assurance and accreditation.
7. Maximizing community participation in solving the problems of the surrounding environment and the Egyptian society.
Functions of Quality Assurance Unit:
1. Develop the strategic note of the unit and document it from the College Council.
2. Establishing the organizational and administrative structure of the unit and documenting it from the college structure.
3. Setting up a mechanism to evaluate the performance of different groups in the college in light of the standards set by the National Authority for Quality Assurance of Education and Accreditation.
4. Follow-up the characterization of study decisions and programs and prepare their sources and ensure that they achieve the mission of the College.
5. Assist and support the scientific departments of the college and the various departments to prepare the college and prepare it for the stage of quality assurance and accreditation.
6. Work through a documented plan to spread the culture of quality and achieve it among different groups (faculty members - administrators - students - various beneficiaries of the external community).
7. Continuing work on developing the quality assurance unit at the college and providing it with all the capabilities that qualify it to follow up the performance and continuous development to reach and maintain the accreditation.
8. Develop a plan to develop the capacity of faculty members in the faculty as well as administrators through human development programs and follow up the product of training on the development of the performance of faculty members in the teaching process, research and research projects.